
Juan here. It’s Labor Day in the United States, which means no insane barrage of news for today. Just the juicy bits.

Celebrate Labor History 


Mourn the end of summer.


If you’re still hankering for a massive dose of comics jump into this years submissions to the Comics Workbook Composition Contest. There were a record number entries this year and some real gems. Read them all HERE.


If you haven’t caught wind already, Comics Workbook will be firing on all cylinders at SPX this year.

We are excited to announce that Comics Workbook will be hosting a series of special workshops at SPX this year!
A Danger Room of our own. Learn more about this year’s special Comics Workbook workshops HERE.


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We will be at table N8 this year – stop by and say “Hello” – check out new work by Frank and our students – buy some old comics from Frank’s mind blowingly extensive collection. More to come!

We’ll be back full force tomoroow, coming at you like an SPX maelstrom. Hold on to your butts  -JF


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