
Hello, this is Harrison. Here is the comics and arts news of August 4, 2016.



Cameron Nicholson

Recent comic experiments by this Richmond, VA, cartoonist. More here. 


Skuds McKinley

“Draw everyday. 4 to 6 hours every day. No excuses! If you want to be a comic book artist you have to do this, you have to be fast and be cognizant of deadlines. Draw things that you really enjoy. If you love manga or Spider-Man, draw that stuff!! Don’t just draw things that are popular, it’ll come off as fake. Push yourself to the limit to be a good artist. Learn perspective drawing, learn anatomy, learn how to draw vehicles. Draw everything! This will put you ahead of the guys that draw the same crap over and over again. Try not to spend so much time worrying about a style or comparing yourself to others, you’ll just be shooting yourself in the foot. Just focus on being a good artist who can draw anything thrown at them. Over time your style will start to show itself.” – Derek Skuds Mckinley Jones

Follow @skudsink for daily drawing updates.

A couple of Skuds’ books are for sale on the school auction – see below.

(Above) Lot 16 – Skuds McKinley – 20USD min bid Skuds is a South Jersy Philly dude who has an awesome kinetic style and good solid sci-fi – these are from a few years ago and I think hold up quite well – check him out on instagram @skudsink







? ? ?

“When Manchester-based photographer Mishka Henner first stumbled upon these seemingly abstract images on Google Earth, he had no idea what he was seeing; with research, the artist realized that these tentacle-like scars on the earth were created by the meat industry. The harrowing satellite-sourced images that constitute The Feedlots convey the sheer scale of intensive farming in America, where the need to maximize profit all too often takes precedence over concerns for sustainability and animal welfare.” – Elizabeth Sulis Gear for Feature Shoot





“Can I touch yours?”

“As a mixed-race child growing up in a predominately white suburb, my features were an anomaly to the unexposed eye.”

Whit Taylor in the Nib.



McGurk At Work

“After gaining experience at Marvel Comics and the Center for Cartoon Studies in Vermont, McGurk moved to Columbus to work as a visiting curator at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, which houses the world’s largest cartoon and comics collection. In just over four years, she has moved up to associate curator for outreach, organizing exhibits and public programs. She is also an assistant professor.” – Erica Thompson for Columbus Alive

More Here.


Sad Sack

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