Juan FernándezJune 22, 2016NewsJuan Fernandez here with your weekly spanish language comics round up: Helen Jo & Jonny Negron in THE DIAZ ARCHIVE; Berliac’s DESOLATION.EXE;Sindy Elefante presenta CicloReaders no.1; Taller de GIF via Sofia Alvarez; Antonio Samudio; Martin Lopez Liam in CuCo; birth of BUÑO; Caravaggio Comics by Álvaro Ortiz.
On the site: New in the Diaz Archive:
Off the site:
Pedro Moura on “DESOLATION.EXE”
Portuguese critic Pedro Moura has written an article about Berliac’s “DESOLATION.EXE”. Originally in portuguese, Berliac’s got a translation over on his site.
Pedro Moura: All stories refer to the same urban, post-industrial anguish that authors like Seiichi Hayashi, but also the Tsuge brothers, Shin’ichi Abe, Masahiko Matsumoto and Yoshihiro Tatsumi, among others, explore in their works. Stories of straightforward dramatic realism (thus approximating the etymological meaning of “gekiga”), focused on that which escapes through the cracks of economic and social wealth, warning us that the possible forms of happiness are not at all universal. Perhaps here lies the meaning of its title, with its extension “.exe”, that is, referring to something that can execute an action upon the “life” of a program. In this case, the desolation caused by poverty, by the alienation of labor, by the obsession of certain cultures with superficial pleasures, and by human isolation.
Inaugural Ride-n-Draw in Bogotá
This weekend, Sindy Elefante is leading the inaugural ride for the “Cicloreaders” drawing club in Bogotá, Colombia. Get some pencils & paper, sunscreen & water and your bike for a wild ride drawing al fresco, experiencing Bogota’s savannah. More info over on their site. cicloreaders.com .
2nd GIF Workshop – THIS WEEKEND – Buenos Aires
Independent bookstore, PUNC LIBRERIA in Villa Crespo, Buenos Aires is hosting its second intensive GIF animation workshop this Saturday. It is hosted by Buenos Aires based cartoonist, Sofia Alvarez. If you are interested in honing your animation chops and would like to participate, send an email to punclibreria@gmail.com
Los grabados de Antonio Samudio
Poets, Juan Manuel Roca y Santiago Mutis, have put together a collection of prints by the colombian expressionist painter and printmaker, Antonio Samudio‘s. Entitled,Los grabados de Antonio Samudio, it is comprised of 250 of his prints; woodcuts, lino, lithographs and engravings, Samudio’s worlds are now within reach. Samudio has created a body of work of really intriguing cartooning.
His images live in an interesting space of dynamism that is neither the hyperbolically expressive Lynd Ward nor the politcally muted like Botero. Cool stuff. The book should be available soon. For now Arcadia magazine has a nice gallery of several of his prints for you to see Colombian life through his eyes.
Entrevista con Martinez Lopez Liam (2014)
This one’s a throwback to 2014, but it’s so in depth and chock full of great banter that I can’t help but share it. This is from the 3rd volume of Cuadernos de Cómic, the incisive latin american comics criticism magazine.
CuCo: Quizás lo que pasa es que tradicionalmente el cómic se ha orientado más a la acción que a la introspección psicológica, y a la hora de mostrar sentimientos o pensamientos los autores necesitáis generar nuevas maneras de hacer cómic.
MLL: De hecho Ware sí se ha acercado mucho al monó- logo interior sin usar la palabra, sólo con imágenes. Pero yo no quería ser Chris Ware, que ya está él ahí para eso. En Asterios Polyp hay una secuencia que me gusta mucho, casi al final. Es una secuencia de varias páginas en las que en la parte superior aparece el pensamiento de la mujer de Asterios y en la inferior él mismo haciendo cosas. De pronto ahí sentí esa introspección en la mente del personaje, pero mucho más abstracta. Y estaba usando igualmente el lenguaje secuencial para conseguirlo. En el cine de los últimos años se ha visto un recurso parecido: de repente ves a un personaje a través de una cámara, en silencio, simplemente ves su recorrido por un espacio determinado, sin acontecimientos… Tú tienes que intuir lo que está pensando el personaje. Creo que fue Deleuze el que decía que las disciplinas artísticas eran la intersección de dos conceptos que respondían a las problemáticas de la misma naturaleza del medio, así la pintura era la relación entre el color y el espacio, el cine entre tiempo y el espacio, entonces ¿cuál es o cuáles son los problemas del cómic?
Caravaggio Comics
RTVE.es has a great look at Álvaro Ortiz’ Dos holandeses en Nápoles, a comic co-edited by the Thyssen-Bonemisza Museum and Astiberri. The book serves to complement the Thyssen-Bornemisza’s exhibit Caravaggio y los pintores del north, inaugurated this Tuesday, June 21st. Dos holandeses en Nápoles tells the story of Gerard Van Honthorst and Dirck Van Baburen, two dutch painters who traveled to Naples in search of Caravaggio. This 28 page full color comic will be in stores on July 1st. You can get a peek at the pages over at Astiberri’s site.
Buno: A New Imprint (In Partnership With Magnetic Press)
Stateside: Ulises Fariñas & Magnetic Press has announced he’s starting a new comics publishing imprint called Buño. Looks like an exciting space for creator owned comics to really explore the space of fusion.
MAGNETIC PRESS: The first 3 titles to be published by BUÑO will be: LIGHT (written & illustrated by Rob Cham),CLOUDIA & REX (written by Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas, illustrated by Daniel Irizarri), and GUARDIAN FORCE DESIGN MANUAL (written & illustrated by Ulises Fariñas, inked by Mike Prezzato).
Alexander Lu over at Comics Beat has the whole story!
hasta la proxima 😉
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