
Hello world,

Gotta start off with the big Rowhouse Residency news coming from Frank:


That’s right. It’s official. We’ve got keys in hand, and Truth Zone’s in the mail. If you’ve been sleeping on getting your copy of the official limited edition bootleg. Now’s the time. They’re headed out of Comics Workbook HQ, why not have one head your way? Don’t sleep on it, seriously.

!!buy thee Complete Truth Zone by Simon Hanselmann!!

The second half of Jillian Tamaki‘s latest entry in the Early Stories series has just been publishied on Hazlitt Magazine. Woof! Sit on down and give it a read. Part 1/2 Part 2/2.


John Seven reviews Jane Mai‘s latest outing, See You Next Tuesday on the Beat. See what all the hubbub is about for yourself! 

It’s the intimacy of what Mai covers that makes her work so accessible. A lot of the details are Mai-specific, but she is so giving with those details that a reader is able to think of their own versions, if there’s nothing exactly identical going on. So you may not cry on the toilet like Mai, but you may have some other secret ritual that belongs to you, exhibiting for your own disapproval a fleeting glimpse of your inescapable sadness.



Sean Howe just uploaded some raw footage of a thirty-minute video interview with Stan Lee from the mid-1970s over on Youtube. It’s curious to see the Stan act turn on and turn off here and there during this interview. For the history buffs.




Julie Delporte, Julie Doucet and Lynn Johnston weigh in on the debacle that is the Grand Prix D’Angoulême at the CBC, Canada’s national public radio broadcaster. Check out the whole article here.

Julie Delporte:

“Everything in history has been shaped by men,” she says. “If everything is chosen by men, and read by men, of course men’s works will be more appreciated.”

Delporte sees inequality in Canada’s comic scene, too. She points to a recent study that shows female visual artists in Canada earn 35 per cent less income than their male counterparts (the overall income gap between men and women, according to the study, is 31 per cent). She also senses resistance within the upper echelons of the comic world.


We’d be remiss if we didn’t pass on John P.’s news: It’s official Membership cards for the King-Cat Fan Club are at the printers! You can sign up to support John Porcellino by contributing to his new Patreon site if you’re interested. Proceeds go towards helping John make more comics, run the Spit and a Half distro, and save for retirement! Why not support one of the patron saints of the american small press.



Lastly, non-fiction cartoonists Josh Kramer and Em Demarco as starting a monthly round up of non-fiction comics. The CoJo List. If this sounds like something you want to submit work to, submit links to or stay up to date with, you ought to sign up for the newsletter.

Em: The CoJo List is a roundup of recent nonfiction comics, including Comics Journalism (CoJo). They’re all journalism, documentary, or otherwise true. Not so much memoir — but exceptions are encouraged. From seasoned professionals to enthusiastic amateurs, here’s the best our fledgling genre has to offer.

Josh: We’re on the lookout for the best true comics stories to tell people about, and we need your help! Email us at thecojolist@gmail.com with your suggestions. We especially encourage submissions by and about women, people of color, and LGBTQ folks.



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