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Extra, Extra. News for Thursday with Hazlitt, Switzerland, and a Purple Party.

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Jillian Tamaki Early Stories Pt. 5 The ClairFree System is now up on Hazlitt. It’s the final chapter of Tamaki’s Early Stories. 

Cleanser, toner and moisturizer – the backbone of the Clairfree system.

Read all of Early Stories pts. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


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Cameron Weston Nicholson


Comics Workbook’s Cameron Weston Nicholson has teamed up with Daniel Reis to bring you a very special seder. Passover’s in full force, so it’s time you read this comic.

Take a seat and join us as we eat, drink, and share the untold story of how the Prince of Toronto became the 6 God.

Have a seat at the seder and read it all here.





Festival Report

Raúl Burgos Paredes went to Switzerland for Fumetto 2016. Read up.

Something I found quite interesting was [Fremok’s] visible commitment to producing books that have a different kind of vision, a vision that clearly reflects artistic freedom. The moderator of the panel discussion inquired about how comfortable they were in financial terms, taking into account that the works of Frémok are not maybe bestsellers because of their style. Both Olivier and Yvan were emphatic in being both keen and confident to maintain their artistic freedom, not thinking too much about financial matters. For Yvan, it’s a chosen lifestyle, he prefers to be joyfully producing the work he does than maybe being more financially comfortable, but producing works that he would not feel like doing. This response was very much inspiring!



Boiler Sketchy 

I enjoyed this sketchbook page from Brandon Graham. Nice new posts over on the Royal Boiler blog. Check them out.




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