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Daily News for Thursday April 13 with poetry, storytelling, and casual.

RVA Comics Spotlight:

Eric Scott Pfeiffer!

Humbly astonishing. Two words that come to mind when thinking of this fine sir. Before we get all gushy on how he great he is just check this out below….



Need I say more? So Eric has been here in Richmond, Va for quite some time. (there’s a whole crew that’s been here just spewing out good shit, but I’ll get to that in later news). He has a remarkable comic under his belt, “Arcadia”.




Check that out!
Here’s a link to his website, but as your checking that out. Put on some smooth tunes and just be amazed by his marvelous ideas: http://ericscottpfeiffer.com/category/illustration/

Last but certainly not least, follow him on social media because he’s got a couple secret projects worth looking out for!




Speaking of tunes, this week will also be very Richmond inspired. I’ve got a joint here for you that no one should pass up. Jefferson Harris (not DJ Harrison, but just as good) and Robilu Gibson. These two do a fusion dance AND form *drum roll* SOLUHHH! (SoLuh). A powerful yet smooth beat-maker and a mesmerizing yet stern poet. Rob has been on television a couple times, so you might know his face. Jefferson has been playing all around Richmond, just killin’ the scene with lovely tunes. Together they create a smooth, striking junction of poem, similes, and beats. But that’s enough yappin’ from me. Check them out below.

“Incredible Heat Machines”

As always remember to drink water! Take a break, relax.



Storytelling 202

But John don’t you think that people make a distinction between a story that is true and a story that is imagined or invented? I’m always struck by the fact that there is a kind of ambiguity in the very notion of storytelling. On the one hand we think of storytelling as a truth telling activity, “Tell me the real story”. We think of stories as bringing information, we think of stories as revealing secrets. But we also think of stories as, “That’s only a story!” or “Don’t tell me stories!”, meaning don’t tell me lies, and don’t you think at the very center of the whole enterprise of storytelling there is the fact that storytelling is an activity that faces in two directions. On the one hand is connected to the idea of truth, on the other hand it’s connected to the idea of invention, imagination, lies. One is thrilled by the story precisely because it describes something that can’t happen, it’s connected with fantasy.” -Susan Sontag.

Listening to this discussion twice and still running out of paper for notes, maybe the thoughts can come in handy for other artists as well.


Special Announcement: Comics Workbook Rowhouse Residency Fundraiser Auction

**PLEASE NOTE: The Copacetic Comics Company is managing this auction on behalf of Comics Workbook.**

This is a BENEFIT AUCTION for the Comics Workbook Rowhouse Residency. It is part of the ongoing fundraising campaign to get the Rowhouse Residency up and running and serving students. All proceeds of this auction are going to Comics Workbook to defray the expenses involved in realizing this goal. This auction is a continuation of the now completed Rowhouse Residency IndieGoGo campaign and other fundraising efforts.

The eight items donated to The Comics Workbook Rowhouse Residency Fundraising Drive by one Mr. Chris Ware. Each item in this auction has been hand packaged and signed by Mr. Ware and was shipped by him directly to Comics Workbook for the purposes of being auctioned here to raise funds for the Rowhouse Residency.

Comics Workbook would like to express our profound gratitude to Chris Ware for his support of the Rowhouse Residency.


Featuring Jim Rugg | jimrugg.com/
Video by Michael Pisano | michaelpisano.com

Soundtrack | Johann Sebastian Bach // Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen, BWV 43 – 7. Aria: Er ists, der ganz allein // performed by
Michel Rondeau

John | McCoy | Jimmy | Elvin

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