brb ;)


This is just a little smoke signal to let you know we are tending well, but quietly, to the fire over here in the Comics Workbook hearth. It’s been a BUSY fall IRL with workshops at SPX and CXC.

You can catch us at Comic Arts Brooklyn, November 2nd. We’ll be slingling rare back issues, wild art books and wonky zines + new comics by the Comics Workbook crew. Stop on by for some surprise NYC guests at our table.

Big picture-wise: We’ll be back soon with some robust regular comics and writing. For now though, I’m finishing some unfinished non-comics business, disentangling some wicked knots in my life. All is well. I’m just laying low before powering the signals up to 11. Ever wanted some CW merch? Something neat is on it’s way ;^)

If you’d like to write reflections on comics, comics making process or comics pedagogy, please email me at – we pay. I’d be happy to talk more at length. Simply send me a line.

take good care of yours selves until we next meet on the internet or IRL.

yours in visual language,

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