
Aaron today with Richard Hell; 2 from Liana Finck; The representation of the Spanish Civil War in North-American comic strips


Richard Hell

Richard Hell’s Small Press Publishing
At White Columns:

White Columns will host a small exhibition of Richard Hell’s 50-year history – 1968-2018 – as a small press writer, publisher, editor and designer. Hell, under his original name of Richard Meyers, began his first small literary magazine and press at the age of 17, shortly after arriving in New York City. The magazine was called Genesis : Grasp, as was the press. Genesis : Grasp ran for six issues (numbers 1-5/6, 1968 – 1971), and also released three authors’ first books and two folders of broadsheets. Richard’s small press endeavors have proceeded, under a variety of names (Ernie Stomach, Theresa Stern, Richard Meyers; Genesis : Grasp Press, Dot Books, CUZ Editions …), up through the present, in publications often typeset and printed, as well as designed, by Hell.


 A Loner’s Guide to Planning and Cancellation + The Distance Test
Some recent work from Liana Finck.

At Topic

Liana Finck, from A Loner’s Guide to Planning and Cancellation

At Catapult

Liana Finck, from The Distance Test


Francisco Manuel Sáez de Adana Herrero on The representation of the Spanish Civil War in North-American comic strips.

The 204th meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Tuesday,  Jan. 23, 2018 at 7pm at The New School, University Center, 63 Fifth Ave, UL 105 (lower level).  PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION. Free and open to the public.


The North-American comic strip of the early twentieth century has manifested itself, on many occasions, as a powerful means of transmission of history. In that role, the form of reproduction is a determinant factor since the comic strips were published together with the news of the time and, for that reason, they had an audience of several million readers. Many times the comic strips played the role of showing the public what was happening outside the United States, especially in the years before Pearl Harbor, when American society was more concerned with what was happening within its own borders than with international events. This study shows how an event such as the Spanish Civil War is represented in the comic strips of the late 30’s and how this shows the American society’s position towards this conflict.

Francisco Sáez de Adana is Professor at the the Franklin Institute of American Studies of the University of Alcalá in Spain. He works as a comic scholar, mainly focused on American comics, interested in that medium as a way to depict historical events. He has published five chapters in books, seven papers in Spanish and international journals, and several communications In international conferences. He imparted a seminar on Miton Caniff and American culture at the University of Salerno in Italy. He organizes a summer course on comics imparted in the University of Alcalá which is celebrated annually from 2014.


Joanie and Jordie – 1-16-2018 – by Caleb Orecchio
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