
The comics world suddenly lost Alvin Buenaventura last Thursday. This time is a time of reflection. He left an incredible, indelible mark as a publisher and advocate of the comics medium in the early 21st century. His absence will be sorely felt.
Alvin Buenaventura - Comic Roids Project
You can help keep his legacy alive today by reading any one of the great works he helped usher into the world from the Buenaventura Press + Pigeon Press catalogue.

Buenaventura Press

  • Boy’s Club 2 and 3 by Matt Furie
  • Comic Book Holocaust and Klassic Komix Klub by Johnny Ryan
  • Elvis Road by Elvis Studio by Helge Reumann & Xavier Robel
  • Hunter and Painter by Tom Gauld
  • Destined for Dizziness and The Neighborhood by Souther Salazar
  • Yeast Hoist #12: Stop Thinking Start Sleeping Stop Sleeping Start Living by Ron Rege Jr.
  • Spaniel Rage by Vanessa Davis
  • Injury #1, #2 and #3 by Ted May, Jason Robards, and Jeff Wilson
  • Boy’s Club #1 was published by Tim Goodyear’s Teenage Dinosaur.
  • Comic Art Magazine issues 8 and 9 edited by Todd Hignite (2006, 2007)
  • Kramers Ergot 6 edited by Sammy Harkham (2006)
  • Kramers Ergot 7 edited by Sammy Harkham (2008)
  • New York Sketches; a portfolio of drawings by Adrian Tomine (2004)
  • Private Stash: A Pinup-Girl Portfolio by 20 Cartoonists by Robert Crumb, Adrian Tomine, Jaime Hernandez et al. (2006)
  • Dawn by Phil Elverum (2008)
  • The Complete Jack Survives by Jerry Moriarty (2009)

Pigeon Press

  • Incubation by Charles Burns (2015)
  • In the Garden of Evil by Charles Burns and Killofer (2015)
  • Worst Behavior by Simon Hanselmann (2015)
  • The Libertarian by Nick Mandaag (2014)
  • Facility Integrity by Nick Mandaag (2014)
  • ECHO ECHO by Charles Burns (2014)

Rest in peace, Alvin.

alvin buenaventura
Leslie Stein has a new comic up on VICE that recounts the second half of her recent, positive trip to Montreal. Good vibes in her diary. Open, airy reflection with juicy colors. Refreshing stuff that’ll warm right up.

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David Brothers has interviewed Zainab Akhtar over at Inkstuds.

They talk about Mads Mikkelsen, Akhtar’s childhood experience with comics, what led to her critiquing comics, being focused on narrative, the community she has found herself in, serializing comics for others, friendship, a brief aside into Masamune Shirow, and much more. A particular highlight here is the questions they pose about the current landscape (or lack thereof) of active comics criticism across social media.
No one is chiming in on the conversations that people are working hard to encourage and it drives them mad…

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If you want some good studio talk and a solid dose of traditional comics craft, go spend some time with the video of Pittsburgh’s own Ed Piskor that Heather and Rob Beschizza put together over at Boingboing. While drawing a Happy Mutant, he takes you through the tools of comics past, his “war chest”: zip-a-tone sheets, letraset, a Leroy lettering gadget,  and the immortal spirit of great cartooning. He also muses on what it’s like to teach students who have spent all their comics making lives drawing solely digitally on tablets and the issues that can pose for their process later on. Speed is king ’round these parts. 

Bill Boichel riffs on camera on his Remedial Comics segment about the latest issue of the one and only Kevin Huizenga’s GANGES:

Ganges #5 is a unique reading experience (well, unique outside of the Huizengian oeuvre, at least).  Huizenga boldly commits exponential shifts in the temporal scale, weaving a narrative that stretches from a traditional panel-by-panel rendering of second-by-second shifts in mood during a domestic argument to experimental fractal depictions of the natural soil erosion cycles repeating over eons that build up and breakdown the earth in the course of millions upon millions of years; from the immediate to the eternal. The result is a work that succeeds (where others have failed*) in presenting both in a manner that effectively situates each within the other in an equivalence that brings to mind the title of Samuel Delaney’s classic science fiction novel, Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (if not so much the novel itself). – Bill Boichel

This latest effort is available for you to purchase over at Copacetic Comics.

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