
Sally Ingraham here with comics and news from Nick Fowler, Annie Koyama, Believer Magazine, and much more!


Nick Fowler – drawn in Pittsburgh, PA, at the Comics Workbook Rowhouse Residency

Here on the site Nick Fowler writes about his recent Rowhouse Residency:

One of the most important things that was cemented for me during my time at the Rowhouse was the immense importance of environment. In both a social sense…and a more literal, spatial sense. The room at the Rowhouse had a bed, a table and a box of Love and Rockets (#17-28 if I remember correctly). And nothing else. Every day I would wake up and take two steps to the drawing table to either draw, or to read Love and Rockets and then draw. For the week I was there, there was nothing else I had to do. It felt like a splash of cold water on my face.

Read the rest of Nick’s Residency Report HERE.


Kickass Annie by Mickey Z

Annie Koyama has announced that she is changing the way in which she supports artists. She will conclude her time as a publisher in 2021, closing the doors of Koyama Press. Her focus will shift to channelling her financial support and incredible positive energy directly into the hands of specific artists whom she chooses to be a patron of. She spoke to The Comics Journal about “switching gears”:

“I will not tell the artists how to do anything,” Koyama said. “There are no strings attached. Once I decide to work with an artist, as I have always done with the press, I put enough trust in them and their project not to interfere. They don’t need my creative help, they need money.”

How this next venture will work is still being formulated. Though the projects she supports will not be owned by Koyama, recipients of these “micro-grants” will be expected to fulfill their end of the bargain, whether if be self-publishing the project, offering a performance, or whatever Koyama and the participating party agree to.

Additionally, the publisher expects to continue to pursue broader methods of support by hosting financial and business literary workshops and supplementing residencies. Her support will not be limited to cartoonists, either. Koyama recently supported a feature film and is already contributing support to projects with several fine artists.

“I am choosing the artists because I like their work,” Koyama said. “I feel that they deserve a higher profile. I know that they can’t do it on their own. What I am most interested in is taking people who are known for one discipline and for example, helping them to try another discipline. For example, people who are good at drawing already but really want to work on a little stop motion animation. Or they want to go off and learn to play the trumpet, try sculpture, learn printmaking or start community art related initiatives.

Read the rest of the article and full announcement HERE.


Leela Corman

Believer Magazine has updated their website and built an archive for the comics that have appeared in the printed mag. Above is a page from Leela Corman‘s story Krautread the rest HERE.

You will also find comics by Andrea Tsurumi, Ann Xu, Jennifer Camper, Anna Haifisch, and others. Check out the archive!


  • Hyperallergic features an article about Carol Tyler and her new comic Fab4 ManiaHERE.
  • Lauren Weinstein‘s Normal Person now appears at popula.com – here’s the latest strip!
  • Mimi Pond also has a new comic up at PopulaBlind Dates of the Near Future.
  • Jessica Campbell‘s latest comic on HyperallergicMusings About Life Todaycan be read HERE.
  • Anders Nilson writes about the process and responsibility of finishing a friend’s last book – A Bubble, by Geneviève Castrée (who passed away in 2016) – on The Comics Journal.
  • Here’s an excerpt from Nancy Peña’s Madame Caton Paste Magazine.


Suzy and Cecil – 7-27-2018 – by Gabriella Tito

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