
Juan Fernandez with: the Chris Diaz Archive: Creep Highway & the Candy Boys + Connor Willumsen; Gabri Molist; Voltio #1; Ana Oncina; Grids on the Web; Canadian Centre for Architecture.


On the site – New in The Diaz Archive:






Four Mathematicians – Gabri Molist

Don’t miss the Fibonacci progression in Gabri Molist‘s latest entry in the Four Mathematicians series. Over on TIKTOK cómics.



A look at Voltio #1 

Voltio is a recently launched an anthology published by La Cúpula chock full of emerging Spanish artists. Ana Oncina y Álex Giménez are at the helm of this production, which aims to present comics in a recently absent format – the comics magazine. (Spain has a tradition of this sort of publication: El Vibora, Trinca, Cairo, Creepy, Vampus, Métal Hurlant, 1984, Cimoc, Totem )  Lots of visual experiments and humor in this one. A spanish peer toImage’s Island if you will.

The first issues features work by: Alex Giménez, Àlex Red, Alexis Nolla,Ana Galvañ, Ana Oncina, Andrew Rae, Antonio Hitos, Aroha Travé, Fran Collado, José Domingo, Kensausage (Cristian Robles), Núria Tamarit yPowerPaola.


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Ana Oncina en el Spotlight

Barcelona based cartoonist, Ana Oncina was born in 1989 in Alicante and studied Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, specializing in illustration and animation. Her first comic , Croqueta y Empandailla became instant success thanks to its charismatic characters and Oncina’s sense of humor. A work that resonated A LOT with Spaniards reading comics. Her stories are in a similar vein of Philippa Rice’s SoppyCroqueta y Empandailla are quotidian relationship comics with a twist of humor.

Traducir&Co Interview (2016)
Júralo por mi
 Interview (2015)


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Grid Webdesign Tutorial
Complement your time with yesterday’s Kirby grids with some thoughts on the grid and contemporary webdesign over on www.tutsplus.com .


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Mental Architectures
Still in the webdesign vein, Don’t miss the Candian Centre for Architecture’s new site. It’s a great example of empathetic presentation of content on the web that allows for the stories and articles to maintain a feeling of awe. Beautiful stuff, really.


hasta la proxima 😉

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