
Juan here coming at you from the road! Just wrapped up a revitalizing Comic Arts Brooklyn experience. I have tons to say. Bustling, profitable, and inspiring. But I gotta get back to Pittsburgh in time for work!!

A HUGE thank you to Gabe Fowler for the opportunity to exhibit with Comics Workbook at THE premiere NYC show. Endless thanks to the CAB team and their tireless team of volunteers for making his explosion of print a reality. As always, thanks to Frank Santoro for letting me step up to the plate and sling our comics and propaganda. The dream is alive folks. Droves descended upon Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Nobody left empty handed and that was a sight to see.

For now here’s a quick overview of what we did as Comics Workbook at the show. More photos and reflections to come from me and other fine folks.

Jenn Lisa and Ronald Wimberly tabling with Comics Workbook at CAB

Holding down the fort throughout most of the day was Jenn Lisa and Ron Wimberly. We had Truth Zone bootlegs, rare comics by Connor Willumsen, new comics by CW alums, zines from Pittsburgh, short boxes with comics rarities for the whole family – a one stop shop, if you will, in the hullabaloo of CAB.

Ronald Wimberly talking to a fan at CAB

The fans saw Wimberly’s bat signal through social media and knew to come out to catch him signing at our table. No surprise to anyone, Ron sold out of Prince of Cats in minutes. The line wrapped around the table and fans we’re elated to meet the comics shinobi himself. It was honor to have him with us at Comics Workbook.

Juan Fernandez capturing the excitement of CAB

Needless to say, I had a blast at CAB 2016 <3

Here are some juicy bits for you to dig from elsewhere on the web:

⚡️New Tiny Report! The great Robyn Chapman has crunched all the numbers from her surveys and has cooked up the latest informational zine on the state of the micro press industry. Order a copy from her today! And be sure to check out the section that includes photographs by thee great Chris Anthony Diaz.

⚡️Forgotten Mother News Interview:  Jacob Khepler, beating heart of Providence, RI’s thoughtleading free newspaper, Mothers News, chats with Brian Nicholson on the inspiration for the endeavor and his history working on it through the years – plus what he’s going to do next:

I’m healing, reading, playing music, relaxing my mind, working on some more abstract projects, and thinking about how to do whatever the next thing is without the bad parts of the last thing. I’d really like to do a book collection – I think this would be a good endcap. And the way I see it, I did a good job with the paper on an insane deadline for no money – with time to proofread and someone else doing promotion/logistics, I feel like I could mop a book up.

⚡️Rob Clough on Comics Workbook alumnus, Audra Stang:

Stang has an exceptional ear for dialogue and has an ability to bring a scene to life (in the case of these comics, either high school or the milieu of a traveling band). Her figure drawing has all the right elements: attention to body language, attention to the way characters interact in space, the nuances of gesture, etc. She also shows an enormous amount of restraint as a storyteller, sometimes even leaving backstories deliberately oblique. Stang has little interest in backstory, except when she’s ready to reveal a detail that has an especially pertinent impact on the story at that moment.

ok, until next time!!


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