
Sam Ombiri kicks off your Thursday with some thoughts on reading and Sally Ingraham follows up with interviews with Kyle Baker and Whit Taylor, a teaser video from Chris Visions and Tyler Q. Tucker, Ronald Wimberly’s latest adventures, and Whit Taylor’s CXC “Report Card”.


Made by Sam Ombiri

Smart Reader 

I’m not too good of a reader. Maybe one day I’ll be a good reader. I struggle with concerning myself with just getting to the next page, and then the next page, and then the next page. I’ll rush to get to the last page only to be met with the lamest feeling ever. Then I say to myself stuff like “I should have paid more attention, I should have had more concern with the work, than the “task at hand”.

Sometimes, I’m like, “I love this movie! This movie is great, but when will it end? I want my life back already!”

When I carry myself this way through the work, and naively rush to get to the end, it’s like the feeling of unearned reward. At my job there are kids who whine to their parents until the parents buy them candy, and then there are the kids who are well behaved so the parents urge them to “go pick out something for yourself, since you’ve been great!” I feel like the whining kid more often than I’d like to admit.

I really dig Joseph Conrad’s way of rendering emotion in relation to the characters’ shared circumstance, but I want to hurry up and finish it so I can sound smart, and brag about how I’ve read Joseph Conrad. That’s not to say that I’m always like this. It’s an annoying feeling that pops up every now and then. Maybe it’s because I’m reading “important work.”

I heard Matt Thurber say that he felt small press stuff is more important to him than hardbound graphic novels. I don’t know if he still feels this way.

The smaller parts are most important as opposed to the whole, because you can’t tackle work all at once. (Or maybe you can.) – Sam Ombiri


Sally here with some other happenings in the comics world.


Adam Griffiths interviewed Whit Taylor recently for his ongoing “Zine Tree” series. He dug into her work Passing, a good deal of which is available to look at in the interview, as well as her latest book Wallpaper.

WT:Wallpaper is largely about “flashbulb” memory, which can be particularly vivid when we are kids. It’s not fully autobio, as not all the chronology or details follow my life, but it definitely deals with certain recurring themes from my family. Some of the patterns are from childhood and others are not. As for the ‘unsaid’, yes, I feel like this is usually an element in my work. I think it is hard when doing memoir/autobio work to figure out how to tell a story without getting bogged down in the details. My primary goal is to create a mood or a feeling, which doesn’t always rely on telling one’s personal history in detail. I remember when I was a kid, feeling confused a lot about the world and what adults were doing in it. I also felt like I had a partner in crime, my younger brother, to help navigate that world with. That’s what I wanted to communicate.” – Whit Taylor

Read the rest of the interview HERE.

Also check out Adam Griffiths’ work HERE – he is a cartoonists based out of Takoma Park, MD (who will be joining us in Pittsburgh in early 2017 for a Rowhouse Residency!)


Get Why I Hate Saturn now at https://www.createspace.com/5628261 #graphicnovel

A photo posted by Kyle Baker (@qualityjollity) on

Kyle Baker posted this reminder on Instagram recently – you can get his breakthrough story Why I Hate Saturn via his website HERE (follow @qualityjollity!). The Comics Alliance published a lengthy interview with Kyle this month, part of their Five Stars series which highlights 5 milestones of an artist’s career. Why I Hate Saturn (1990) is certainly on the list, and Kyle and Steve Morris talk about it’s continued importance:

CA: At the time, it wasn’t a huge sales success. It took years, and is arguably only now really getting the notice it deserves. Is it difficult to take a hit like that — to build up and work on a project, only for it to then not break out commercially in the way you might have hoped?

KB: I think that it’s never wise to measure one’s worth by the opinions of strangers. I’m just trying to create the work I enjoy. I can’t imagine how sad it would be for a person to live their life worrying about what other people think of them.

When I work, I do the best job I can according to my skill level at the time. I’m always studying, and looking to learn how to write and draw better, and that’s what’s important to me.” – via Comics Alliance

Read the full interview HERE.



Moments from CXC – L-R: Whit Taylor tabling, Charles Burns picking up some comics at the Marketplace, Sergio Aragones and Carol Tyler receiving awards from Jeff Smith and Tom Spurgeon, and John Kelly hosting Carol Tyler’s spotlight panel

Whit Taylor‘s Cartoon Crossroads Columbus 2016 “Report Card” article is up on the site. According to Caitlin McGurk, one of the festival committee members and Associate Curator at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, the show reflected the goals of the organizers –

We want it to include everyone from comic strip artists to punk mini-comics makers to political cartoonists, web cartoonists, mainstream cartoonists and the “indie” folks. Animators, too! A place where someone who has just made their first mini-comic can stand beside a MAD Magazine legend in the BICLM galleries and chat about Winsor McCay. A place to learn about developing professional skills for artists, be it from inking to legacy planning, from foreign rights to how to fill out your taxes, etc. We want to create a support system for comics, in a place that already serves as a home and shrine to comics.” – Caitlin McGurk

Read the rest of Whit’s report HERE.


Lots of people went to NYCC and they all seemed to have a pretty good time – but no one tells the story with as much style as Chris Visions and Tyler Q. Tucker:

Just a teaser of the soon-to-be-released full video. Follow @chrivisions on Instagram for tons of life drawing sketches and other process posts!


Ronald Wimberly has finished his residency in Columbus (but check out the video above for a lengthy talk and tour of his exhibit at the Columbus Museum of Art). He’s back in New York City, and will be doing a talk and signing on Halloween at Kinokuniya New York – if you’re in town, you need to be there!


The Comics Reporter has a comprehensive list of all CXC-related reports – check out out.

Here on the site we have our own massive roundup post of CXC-related stories and reports.

We also have Frank’s LICAF report with the recent addition of Aidan Koch’s thoughts on the event – HERE.



Comics Workbook has had a great show season, with visits to SPX, CXC, and LICAF. The workshops we have hosted at these events have been a highlight and folks all over are digging into comics making with new ideas swirling in their heads. If you didn’t making it to a workshop this year, be sure to keep an eye out for us next year – and meanwhile, check out thee Santoro School Handbook for Making Better Comics by Frank Santoro and Kurt Ankeny. Printed offset on cardstock by the professionals at The Prolific Group, Winnipeg, Canada, this is not some cheap color xerox or risograph. Looks great, feels great, and even smells great. Always available at our store HERE – free shipping worldwide!

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