
Caleb Orecchio here with some tired thoughts and other news.


after (from left to right) Bill Sienkiewicz and Steve Ditko

The above is my the only drawing I could muster last night. I was hoping to bust out two pages of a comic I’m working on (I’m trying to catch up to my self-imposed schedule), but despite my ambitions, I couldn’t even finish copying two warm-up drawings. I kind of burnt myself out after two weeks of non-stop nightly comic book making and was practically bed-ridden all of yesterday. It was difficult to even talk to myself my brain was so fried. “I’m looking for a place that will collect my commission, sell my dog, burn my bird, and sell me to the cigarette” was all I could say all day. Even as I write this, I realize I’ve been sitting at my computer for hours just looking at the screen contemplating coherent sentences. Did you all see the PTA movie, Phantom Thread. I won’t spoil it for you, but any cranky, overworked workaholic would find some catharsis in watching it. I nearly wept at the end.

Ditko; Amazing Spider-Man #27
Ditko; Amazing Spider-Man #27
Ditko; Amazing Spider-Man #27

Anyway, look at these Ditko panels above. Every time I look at Ditko’s Spider-Man, I am reminded of just how inventive he is. I remember some Frank Miller interview where he says that Ditko is a great anatomy study. He’s right. Even at my tired and burnt out state of mind, I can appreciate the majesty of Steve Ditko’s web-slinger. No wonder Spidey was such a hit. No one had ever seen anything like Spider-Man in comics before. Have you thought about that? Just how unique Ditko and Kirby’s visions were, and still are, compared to the competition! It’s fascinating.


if you don’t know, now you know


Suzy and Cecil – 5-21-2018 – by Gabriella Tito

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