
Sally here with comics by Marie Jacotey, Jessica Abel, Amanda Baeza, Jessica Campbell, Sophie Franz, Gabriella Tito, and others to end your week on a high note!


Adult Swim has been publishing comics online and among many interesting ones, I found Gerry by Marie Jacotey – you can see the first part above and the rest HERE. Marie is a Paris-born comics-maker and alum of the Santoro Correspondence Course for Comic Book Makers. Another piece she made recently is Paradise, which was commissioned for a cocktail magazine, and explores the cliche of the “insufferable creative” – check it out HERE.

Also featured on Adult Swim is a series by Esther Pearl Watson called Crapland, and Liana Finck‘s Horrible People plus tons of funny and weird comics created by dudes (including the great Benjamin Marra!)


Speaking of comics about cocktails, pictured here is part of a 5 page story called Rusty Nail made by Amanda Baeza which appeared in Cocktails After-Dinner, a publication made by Studio Pilar. This was one book in a 4-part series that includes Pre-Dinner, After-Dinner, Anytime, and the upcoming Long Drink (Marie Jacotey’s story Paradise, which I mentioned above, appeared in Cocktails Anytime). Each book features 6 stories by different comics artists based on a specific drink – more details about the project can be found HERE.

Studio Pilar is an Italian collective and cultural association composed of four illustrators which focuses on promoting visual communication with an emphasis on comics and self-publishing. More about them HERE.

Amanda Baeza is a half-Chilean/half-Portuguese cartoonist – check out more of her work on her site.


There is a terrific interview with Jessica Campbell about her book Hot Or Not: 20th-Century Male Artists (which is one of my top 5 comics of 2016) over on The Fridge Door Gallery. The premise of the book is of course, “we know these guys were geniuses, but were they hot?!

Jackie Hampshire: Have you been subjected to the male-dominated Art History survey course in the past? Did it add fuel to the fire?

Jessica Campbell: I took a class in undergrad that used Janson’s History of Art (an edition that included women, thankfully) but countered it with essays like Linda Nochlin’s “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” Frankly, most of the blatant sexism that I have encountered in art has been in the comics world, where even last year, the largest (or second largest?) comics festival in the world gave out a lifetime achievement award that, of 30 nominees, included not a single woman. And, similar to Janson’s text, about 10 years ago in comics there was a touring exhibition and catalogue called The Masters of American Comics that was intended by its curator/editor to solidify a comics canon and included not a single woman artist. I remember watching a panel discussion with him where he said that there’s “never been a female Milt Caniff,” which was essentially the same as Janson saying that there’s never been a female Rembrandt or whatever. Yeah, OK, but there is a female Mary Cassatt, Artemisia Gentileschi, Frieda Kahlo, etc.

JH: I know you work with many mediums, why did you choose the graphic novel for this particular commentary?

JC: Part of it was the facility/logic of expressing the joke/critique in a book format, and part of it was the idea of reducing the work to black and white, somewhat crude drawings. I liked the idea of reducing these male geniuses to only their appearances and reducing their masterworks to crude reproductions.

Read the rest of the interview HERE.


This story by Jessica Abel was a nice discovery in Biff Bong Pow! No. 1, an anthology from 1991 that was edited by Ivan Brunetti.

Jessica is pretty cool – a good cartoonist and one who has been totally dedicated to the medium and the community for decades. She makes comics, writes about them, teaches, does motivational coaching, and gets up to all kinds of other mischief. Her current projects include Trish Trash, a space-roller-derby comic, and online workshops to jump-start your creativity.

Disregarding all she’s got going on NOW, I’m always particularly thrilled to find her earlier work. There is a different kind of life in it, something rawer. The comic above and two more stories I turned up in Biff Bang Pow! No. 2 were a special treat – and a great bonus to a couple of wild comics collections that show off the varied and hilarious skills of Ivan Brunetti and a few other pals.


What is Sophie Franz up to these days? Her sketchbooks are always full of detailed, story-filled drawings like the one above, and frankly they are tantalizing teasers that drive me crazy. I loved her book The Experts, which was released by Retrofit Comics last year – so deliciously creepy – and now I’m eager for something new from Sophie. While we all wait for that…check out her work here and join me in trying to decipher her sketchbook pages…!


Jillian Tamaki is hitting the road with her new book Boundless (Drawn & Quarterly, 2017) this spring. “Boundless explores the intersection (and overlap) between the virtual and IRL worlds.” Check out a preview of the book HERE!


On the Spider’s Web


The Spring Semester of the Santoro Correspondence Course for Comic Book Makers starts March 7th.

The course is 8 weeks long – 500 bux – payment plans are available.

More details can be found HERE – or email santoroschoolATgmail to apply.

Not ready to commit to an 8 week course but still want to put some thought towards making comics or leveling up your skill set? Check out thee Santoro School Handbook – 16 pages of comics-making gold!


Blinkers – 3-3-2017 – by Jack Brougham


Suzy and Cecil – 3-3-2017 – by Gabriella Tito


Joanie and Jordie – 3-3-2017 – by Caleb Orecchio


Cozytown – 3-3-2017 – by Juan Fernandez

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