
Aaron here today with Jaime Hernandez covers; the Lakes International Comic Arts Festival; Zika Virus – Watch Out!; Sara Lautman on Grudges; Leela Corman on Jewish Comics; some Daniel Clowes Work up for Auction



This week’s Featured Comic is from the Comics Workbook Roller Derby Team
Berg/Doersch/Fleck/Huskisson/Lisa/Mancini/Mardou/Tito have covered Locas Starring Hopey, by Jaime Hernandez. Image above by Jennifer Lisa.


Comics Workbook at the Lakes International Comic Arts Festival
Our illustrious founder Frank Santoro, along with CW stalwarts Aidan Koch and Connor Willumsen, will be in attendance at the upcoming Lakes International Comic Art Festival, October 14-16 in Kendal, UK. Santoro, Koch, and Willumsen will be conducting a Composition Competition Workshop on October 15 that should not be missed, especially if you happen to be in the Lakes District or are able to travel there. Koch and Willumsen will be conducting their own respective workshops as well. This is shaping up to be a top-notch festival!


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Maki Naro has a comic about the Zika virus over at Fusion.net.


How To Hold A Grudge, by Sara Lautman

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Leela Corman’s Jewish Comics Rundown
Corman covers a lot of comics history in a relatively short amount of space here.

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Rowhouse Auction: D. Clowes Edition
This week’s Rowhouse auction will start Wednesday (August 10) at 1200 EST. We will be auctioning off artwork and other rarities generously donated by the great Daniel Clowes over on eBay. Stay tuned for details – or email Frank here santoroschoolATgmail.com – You won’t want to miss this!

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