
Aaron here today with Color Giants; Leonora Carrington; Torkwase Dyson and the Wynter-Wells Drawing School for Environmental Justice; The Millionaires Club; Autoptic 2018



“She hated art historians”
At The New York Review of Books, Regina Marler looks at Leonora Carrington, artist, writer, Surrealist.

Chadwick’s chapter on Carrington and the Argentine-born painter and designer Leonor Fini springs from her access to a fantastic trove of newly discovered letters between the friends. Found in Fini’s Paris studio by the executor of her estate, they offer an account of the dark prelude to Carrington’s mental breakdown—as described in her memoir, Down Below (first published in 1944)—beginning in 1939 when her lover, Max Ernst, was jailed by the French as an enemy alien. Later, after the Germans invaded, he was jailed again as a degenerate artist. Carrington was left alone among suspicious villagers in Saint-Martin-d’Ardèche, writing everyone she knew, frantically trying to free him. “I thought I knew the story behind these letters,” Chadwick writes, but the letters themselves had a

rare and raw immediacy. Written almost day by day with the urgency of one fighting to remain sane, they had the feel of a diary or a personal journal. Addressed to a dear friend by a narrator who is isolated, terrified and enraged, they are both descriptive and intimate…. The world they describe is neither that of the surrealists in Paris, nor one in which women propel the male imagination. Instead they delineate a harrowing mental universe that parallels and intersects with a real world.

Leonora Carrington: A Warning to Mother, 1973


Winter Term at The Drawing Center

For the first session, which will take place from February 24 through March 11, 2018, The Drawing Center has invited artist Torkwase Dyson to create an installation and organize a two-week series of classes, discussions, and formal experiments developed from her incipient project the Wynter-Wells Drawing School for Environmental Justice—named for Jamaican writer Sylvia Wynter and American Civil Rights leader Ida B. Wells. The School will present an experimental curriculum employing techniques culled from the visual arts as well as design theories of geography, infrastructure, engineering, and architecture to initiate dialogue about geography and spatiality in an era of global crisis due to human-induced climate change. Participation in each class will be by application only (the afternoon sessions will be open to observation by the public). Drawings and sculptures by Dyson will be on view throughout the program’s run and Dyson will present during select “office hours” to discuss her work and the school with the public.


Anna Haifisch

Leipzig’s annual Comics & Graphics Festival will take place again March 16th and 17th, 2018. At CONNE ISLAND, Koburger Str. 3. 04277 Leipzig

Program 2018

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F R I D A Y   16 / 0 3
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Messe / Market
14:00-22:00 / 2-10 pm

Lesung / Reading
15:00-16:00 / 3-4 pm
Antonia Kühn “Lichtung”, Reprodukt
und Magdalena Kaszuba “Das leere Gefäß”, Avant-Verlag

Buchvorstellung / Talk
17:00-18:00 / 5-6 pm
“Lampedusa. Bildgeschichten vom Rande Europas”
Spector Books, 2018
mit Paula Bulling und Jonas Engelmann

Ausstellungseröffnung / opening reception
19:00-00:00 / 7-12 pm

Margot Ferrick (Chicago, US)
Jul Gordon (Hamburg, GER)
Stefanie Leinhos (Leipzig, GER)

A wild collection of QSL cards by various artists from the US!

Paul Paetzel & Marc Hennes (Berlin, GER)


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S A T U R D A Y   17 / 0 3
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Messe / Market
11:00-18:00 / 11 am – 6 pm

Lesung / Reading
12:00-13:00 / 12 am – 1 pm
“Megagute Comics von Jaja
Valérie Minelli, Hanna Gressnich, Mic, Jan Vismann

Künstlergespräch / Artist talk
14:00-15:00 / 2-3 pm
mit / with Margot Ferrick, Jul Gordon und Stefanie Leinhos in der Ausstellung / in their show

Lesung / Reading 
 / 4-5 pm 
The Millionaires Club all stars
mit / with: Max Baitinger, Jul Gordon, Anna Haifisch, Margot Ferrick, Julia Kluge, James Turek und anderen / and more



Autoptic 2018

The Autoptic Foundation is pleased to announce that Autoptic 2018 will be happening Sunday, August 19th, 2018 in Minneapolis, MN at the amazing Aria Event Center from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A one-day festival celebrating comics and independent print culture, Autopic 2018 will feature table exhibitions by over 120 artists from the worlds of comics, posters and beyond. With a strong focus on publications and artwork that features original, creator-driven content and compelling DIY-aesthetics, Autoptic 2018 will give exhibitors an opportunity to connect with other like-minded artists and audiences while also offering attendees a chance to support and discover all manner of exciting, new and independent artists and creators.

The Autoptic Foundation is also thrilled to announce a few changes and updates to Autoptic’s curatorial and application process. In the past, all of our exhibitor applications were reviewed and voted on exclusively by the founders and board members of The Autoptic Foundation. While we were pleased by the quality of the exhibitors we arrived at through this process, we also felt that there were many improvements that could be made in an effort to create an application and jurying process that was more open, transparent and inclusive, with the goal of developing an exhibition with as wide and diverse a gamut of creative voices as possible.

With those goals in mind, all exhibition applications for Autoptic 2018 will be reviewed, curated and voted on by an amazing group of Guest Jurors, all of whom share Autoptic’s commitment to promoting and evangelizing independent creative culture. We will be announcing our jurors soon!

For those interested in applying to be an exhibitor at Autoptic 2018, please visit our Exhibitor FAQ, or start your application now by completeing our Exhibitor Application.

For those interested in more information about Autoptic 2018, please visit our Autopic FAQ, or send your questions to info@autoptic.org.


Joanie and Jordie – 02-27-2018 – by Caleb Orecchio


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