
Sally here with news and comics from November Garcia, Heidi MacDonald, Sophie Yanow and Iona Fox, Anna Haifisch, Sara Lautman, and more!


Rob Clough reviews some mini comics he picked up at CAKE recently, including work by November Garcia.

“Malarkey #2, by November Garcia. Garcia is my favorite new autobio cartoonist, especially given the way she’s able to navigate humor and poignant moments with equal aplomb. Malarkey is her catch-all comic where she collects her four-panel gag strips that center around her family, her husband, comics, and life in general in the Philippines.

Being in the Philippines, Garcia naturally feels quite distant from the North American comics scene, so seeing her do strips about listening to podcasts where her comic is mentioned or fantasizing (positively and negatively) about what going to CAKE would be like have that element present in all of Garcia’s comics: an element of pure joy & excitement about life balanced with anxiety and in particular regret for things she hasn’t actually done yet. That element adds a certain tension to these strips but doesn’t dominate it, as her enthusiasm for life is still the dominant element in her work, and it’s the engine for her sense of humor.

Read the rest of Rob’s review HERE, as well as his thoughts on Bug Boys #14 by Laura Knetzger, and Dreaming Of Johnny by Sophie McMahan.

November Garcia is a recent graduate of the Santoro Correspondence Course for Comic Book Makerscheck out her course comic HERE!


Heidi MacDonald rounds up the list of comics coming out this Fall for Publishers Weekly. Her Top 10 has some great comics/makers on it, including Going into Town: A Love Letter to New York by Roz Chast (Bloomsbury USA, Oct. 3); Sex Fantasy by Sophia Foster-Dimino (Koyama Press, Sept. 12); Tenements, Towers & Trash: An Unconventional Illustrated History of New York City by Julia Wertz (Black Dog & Leventhal, Oct. 3); House of Women by Sophie Goldstein (Fantagraphics, Oct. 3); and others. View the complete list HERE.


On The Comics Beat Philippe Leblanc reviews What is a Glacier? by Sophie Yanow, Undocumented, The Architecture of Migrant Detention by Tings Chak (part of N.B: Undocumented, an Indiegogo project from Ottawa-based publisher Ad Astra Comix), and Almanac 2017 by Iona Fox.

Reading these three comics gave me some hope that people understand the magnitude of the issues affecting us. Climate change in particular, but also other more complex issues such as migration detention, the burden of individuals toward reducing waste, food security and sustainability, border crossing and others. It was a reminder that knowledge helps to educate to explain complex issues in a relatable way.

Read the full review HERE.


From Anna Haifisch’s new comic Drifter

It’s Nice That has a feature about Anna Haifisch‘s Drifter (Perfectly Acceptable Press, 2017). Needing a break from The Artist and wanting to try a different style, Anna was inspired by publisher Matt Davis’s desire to make a large book, “Floppy and oversized – a shelf nightmare!” and returned to her printmaking origins with this work.

Poetry became a structure in which to develop the narrative. “I came up with this poem like text about a drifting person. Drifting seems to be a thing in the 21st century. Making decisions isn’t my generations strongest point. I am a bit of a drifter myself.”

The process in drawing Drifter took “longer than I thought,” quite apt for a publication about meandering. “I was used to drawing up to four pages a day for comic books, with Drifter I barely got one colour layer done per day. I spent a lot of time watching the ink dry.”

You can see more excerpts from the book and read more about Anna’s process HERE.


Reminder: Printed Matter, Inc. is presenting “Something Unusual is Happening: Experimental Comics and the Art of Visual Narrative”, a group exhibition featuring the work of Lale Westvind, Lala Albert, Brie Moreno, CF, Patrick Kyle, and others.

The show opens TONIGHT, amid the fanfare of a Guntit performance (Lale Westvind‘s band with Laura Perez Harris and Tom Toye) – 6-8pm. It will be on view through July 31st.

More info can be found HERE.


Alyssa Berg and Kurt Ankeny at CAKE 2017

Here on the site Kurt Ankeny wraps up his spring comics show season with a few words on PIX, CAKE, and MECAF.

So, for those of us in the indie comics circuit, the summer lull is upon us. Summer usually has very few indie-centered shows going on, even though the mainstream comicons are going full blast. The consensus is that generally, indie comics are more dependent on the college and art school crowd, and when they all go home for the summer, it’s hard to gather enough interested folks to hold a show. It seems awfully stupid to join an industry whose main customer base is one of the poorest and busiest groups of people in society, but here we are, at it again, hoping to make a buck.

Read the rest HERE.


In Other Words


Suzy and Cecil – 6-30-2017 – by Sally Ingraham


Joanie and Jordie – 6-30-2017 – by Caleb Orecchio

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