
Aaron Cockle with Warren Craghead Comics; Pioneers of the Comic-Strip; Comix 4 Orlando; Hilda on Netflix; Flag Press!; Schulz/Ford; Rowhouse Auction Continues



Colonialism by Warren Craghead
CW’s Featured Comics continues this week with work by Warren Craghead III from 2013.



Pioneers of the Comic Strip: A different Avant-Garde
June 23–September 18, 2016
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Spec­tac­ular, large and colorful – this is how comic strips captured their audi­ence. Around 1897, the middle classes, working classes and the army of immi­grants were equally fasci­nated by the unfa­miliar visual expe­ri­ence they encoun­tered in US news­pa­pers. The comic strip was the first illus­trated mass medium in history, repro­duced million­fold. In a society without tele­vi­sion and the Internet that was quite a radical devel­op­ment. With an exten­sive exhi­bi­tion, SCHIRN presents the pioneers of the comic strip, who set the artistic and substan­tive stan­dards of early comic strips in an exper­i­mental and progres­sive way. This also high­lights the rela­tion­ship of comic strips and colorful news­paper supple­ments with the devel­op­ments in visual arts at the time. The SCHIRN presents the cultural history of the comic strip in an outstanding series of selected works, primarily by Amer­ican illus­tra­tors: Winsor McCay, Lyonel Feininger, Charles Forbell, George Herriman, Cliff Ster­rett and Frank King. Unfor­get­table is Herriman’s absurd humor in Krazy Kat (from 1913), the expres­sionist, cubist and surre­alist imagery by McCay and Ster­rett, Feininger’s comic series for the Chicago Tribune (from 1906/07), or Gaso­line Alley by King (from 1921), told in real time over a period of three decades. With Forbell’s Gesamtkunst­werk Naughty Pete (1913), a today rather unknown draftsman can be redis­cov­ered in this exhi­bi­tion. He was among those many artists who, albeit only for a short yet extremely progres­sive time, devoted them­selves to comic strips, but quickly vanished due to lack of success.
— Via e-flux



Come enjoy a night of fantastic comix presented by queer artists! These include: Yao Xiao, Max Wittert, Hazel Reed Newlevant, Bishakh Som, Chris Russo, Kat Fajardo, +more TBA. They will be raising funds to support those affected by the Pulse attack in Orlando. Your donations can get you raffle tickets to win a fabulous prize bundle of work made by our featured artists. $10 SUGGESTED donation. No one will be turned away. (Every $5 will get you one raffle ticket!) PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT! Tuesday, June 28, 8-10PM at Over the Eight, 594 Union Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211



Hilda is coming to Netflix
As revealed in a recent New Yorker profile, Luke Pearson‘s Hilda will be coming to Netflix in 2018.



E’ nata Flag Press!
Translated from the Italian via Google Translate: Perhaps not everyone knows that along with Ratigher I founded a small publishing house, the Flag Press, who intends to publish comics in a single format, horizontal poster 70 × 100[cm; 27.5X39.4″] with two facing pages… I already thought of cubes, boxes or phones but actually no, it was poster, as he revealed to me a few months later inviting me to become his shoulder in the enterprise (by the way do not try to trick me the idea of Phone Books, Comics in the form of phone). Since then we have seen fit to what we wanted to do with Flag Press, and, beyond the choice of authors, our vision has focused on the concept of “history.” To both like trials, comic absurd and sometimes even seemingly meaningless, but what we want to accomplish here is to tell on a poster, make an object that narrative has always been mainly figurative, also making it possible for authors indulge graphically on the largest publishing format possible. And I believe that theory, practical and even Ratigher theory is really the “manifesto” of this our idea, with a story full of characters, the dialogues pressing, small cartoons and the aircraft giant is cut in two by the white space between the boards. Ah, on the back of the poster are in black and white the English translation of the story. In the future, if the cartoonist would write in English, on the back you will find the translation in Italian.

Look for work from Ruppert & Mulot, Manuele Fior and Dash Shaw. Image above by Ratigher, Flag Press #1: “Teoria, pratica e ancora teoria”.

Gabby Schulz Interviewed by Sean Ford
SICK is the story of the author being laid down by an illness in his cramped Brooklyn apartment. The story begins as a Kafka-esque exploration of the trials and tribulations of trying to attain treatment without having the insurance or money to do so, but soon morphs into a brutally frank self-assessment of not only the narrator’s personal failures, but also the failures of predominantly white Western culture and the systems and structures we’re all beholden to and a part of.

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Private Rowhouse Auction Continues
We have a new private auction up at auction.comicsworkbook.com. email Frank Santoro at santoroschoolATgmail for a password, if you don’t already have one. If you already have a password, it is the same from last week. All funds go to helping keep the lights on and further developing the school. Note: Connor Willumsen is offering commission sketches.

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