
Highlighting Retrofit Comics and bringing some words of wisdom from Jillian Fleck, along with a new comic – plus a kitchen disaster from Byron Alaff and dating woes from Julia Wertz.


James Kochalka – a page from Elf Cat in Love, coming soon from Retrofit Comics

Retrofit Comics has 9 days left on their Kickstarter campaign! Take a gander at their list of artists, and you’ll immediately recognize the publisher to be a general force for greatness in the comics community. The crop of books they’re currently publishing is particularly spectacular. It includes titles by the likes of James Kochalka (Elf Cat in Love), who has the distinction of being the first Cartoonist Laureate of Vermont. Eleanor Davis has an offering (Libby’s Dad), and Kaeleigh Forsyth and Alabaster Pizzo teamed up on Hellbound (here’s a process post from them about the “raw material” the book was sourced from).

Also among the comics that may get loosed on the world, should the Kickstarter make it to the stretch goals, are works by Anya Davidson and Tyler Landry. Pretty rad. Please support Retrofit Comics by pitching some funds their way, or helping to spread the word. Check out the Kickstarter HERE!


the end

Jillian Fleck joined us today on the Comics Workbook website with some thoughts about finishing your comic, and the type of value you place on your own work. Jillian is a cartoonist from Calgary, Alberta, who is currently going to school in Scotland. She still finds time to draw Bad Thoughtz on a regular basis (check out this achingly hilarious comic HERE) and recently made a lovely observational piece for the Comics Workbook tumblr.

Mills Observatory Sketches (Scotland) – Jillian Fleck

This one demonstrates how Jillian follows her own suggestions regarding keeping the process playful, mixing it up. From her article:

This is why I encourage you to finish your comic, so you can get up tomorrow and begin your next one. It can be about whatever you want, and can be drawn however you choose. Itʼs entirely new and up to you. Just think, if you finish it in one day, tomorrow you wonʼt have to suffer under the decisions of the past. If you finish your comic in one go, you could put it up on the wall and look at it, think about why you did what you did. Then the day after, maybe you can build on that. Or do something different. You can set challenges for yourself. Can you tell a complete story in a single page? Inside a triangle? On a roll of toilet paper?

Please read the full piece HERE – lots of good stuff to consider.



Byron Alaff published a one pager today that cracked me up. We’ve all had that kitchen mishap I’m sure! Byron keeps up a steady stream of comics on his website – take some time to scan through and find your favorite among the various styles and topics he lands on.


The Denver Independent Comics Expo (DINK) went down last weekend (March 25-26) and although we’re still waiting for a proper scene report for this brand new event, Julia Wertz gave us a little glimpse of the action:


Indeed it is.

(Noah Van Sciver will be one of the guests at PIX this coming weekend, incidentally.)


That’s a wrap on your Wednesday news! I’ll bump into you with more tidbits next week. – Sally

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