
Another week and another flood of comics happenings. Let’s start to make our way through it.

Nicole Georges is hosting and producing a new podcast Saggitarian Matters. It’s fun listening for those of you that listen to podcasts while inking or coloring. Her new podcast features interviews, reviews and astrological musings and advice from rad women all with a warm casualness. Lot’s of stories from touring musicians and studio cartoonists. Think of Saggitarian Matters as a living breathing advice column with attitude and jokes galore. Recent guests include Liz Prince, Ariel Schrag, Lacy Davis and Beth Ditto, among others.

This week, series regular Michelle Tea (author of How to Grow Up)  doles out advice on anxiety and work. Writer & cartoonist ARIEL SCHRAG (Likewise, Potential, Adam, The L Word) talks truth in comics, Chick Tracks, and romantic advice with NJG.

Warning: some advantage-taking is mentioned!

Kelly Sue DeConnick put out a roll call on twitter for women comic book makers yesterday to disabuse people of the notion that women comic artists are rare, to get eyes on said artists & to get them work opportunities. Very dope.  Follow the hashtag #VisibleWomen  to get to know and appreciate the work of hundreds of women making comics today.


Austin English speaks with Andy Oliver over at Broken Frontier. Great conversation  with an artist whose work lives and breathes on the cutting edge of comics. Have a read.

I’ve always loved comics, so much so that I’d never think of rejecting their history. I honestly sit down at the start of every story with an ambition to make it ‘traditional’ like an old Will Elder comic or something, and then my natural lack of craft takes over by panel two and the project turns into something else. The punk rock nature of zines and mini comics I read in the mid to late 90s (like King Cat) sort of egged me on to embrace whatever my work became by the second drawing.

I also missed any distinction between comics and art books as I was growing up—my mom gave me Tintin, but she also had Matisse monographs laying around which she really loved. Books in general with images in them were very comforting to me as a kid, and somewhere along the line the two worlds blurred for me. I accept that for people in art and people in comics there are very clear borders, but I just never saw it that way.

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Did ya hear, Barack Obama’s going to be paying tribute to Charles Schulz’ American masterpiece, Peanuts. It’s about time. Obama’s writing the foreword to the penultimate volume of the collected daily strips put out by Fantagraphics books. Congratulations to Fantagraphics on snagging this intro. NYT has got the full coverage you’re hankering.


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Kim Jooha
has put together some wonderful reflections on the work of Maggie Umber, Aidan Koch, Andy Burkholder over the weekend. Jooha’s writing never ceases to engage comics in an exciting and satisfying way. If you haven’t yet checked the work of Umber, Koch or Burkholder, check out Jooha’s writing to see if it just might be up your alley.

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Another week means another edition of Inkstuds! It’s a good time to be alive as a comics aficionado. This week Sloane Leong is joined by Vancouver comic artist Morgan Jeske to talk about his life, process, movies and comic work. Tune your ears to that frequency…

Morgan is known for his work on Change, published by Image Comics, and his self published work Disappearing Town and ●●●● Vol. I. He also co-hosts a film podcast called Travis Bickle on the Riviera. His newest work ●●●● Vol. 2 feels like a fantastic meandering exploration of the self and other and wild liminal decaying spaces. Morgan creates unique comics with a strong sense of atmosphere and weight, so I’m excited to see what he does next.


Throwin’ it back to the future, the Zentrum Paul Klee made available online almost all 3,900 pages of Klee’s personal notebooks, which he used as the source for his Bauhaus teaching between 1921 and 1931. Amazing. Dive in and swim the depths of these notebooks. You’re going to want to get that google translate handy to help understand the transcriptions that Zentrum Paul Klee has put together on this incredible resource.

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Essential to the understanding of modern, these works . Arguably one of the most complete presentations of principles of design by a modern artist, this constitutes the Principia Aesthetica of a new era of art, in which Klee occupies a position comparable to Newton’s in the realm of physics. Amazing online resource that deserves to be mined and explored by comics makers for years to come.

Screen shot 2016-03-07 at 11.36.36 AMI’d like to wrap things up by letting you know that the journal, tender, is taking submissions for their upcoming issue. Established in 2013, Tender Journal is published three-four times a year as a carefully curated PDF, with an anthology that follows in print.

is edited by Rachael Allen and Sophie Collins. « tender is grappling, I think, with Denise Riley’s claim in Am I That Name that ‘both concentration on and refusal of the identity of “women” are
essential to feminism’. »—Katherine Angel


Sound like the kind of publication that you want your work to be considered in? SUBMIT!

until next time,
juan fernandez.

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